A peaceful night’s sleep is one of the many blessings of life which we
cannot afford to lose, or otherwise, we
have to pay the cost in terms of bad
health and performance throughout the day. The worst that can happen is that we
will accumulate sleep debt which our body naturally claims back from us and
results in our dropping asleep accidentally during the day or even during
driving. It is therefore important that we remind ourselves the old lesson we
learnt at school “Early to bed, early to rise, makes Jack healthy, wealthy and
wise!”, and put the lights out once the clock strikes ten in the night.
Although working hard is an appreciable quality, you cannot allow hard
work to take a toll on your health. Try
to sleep early so that you can rise
afresh for dealing with the challenges of the next day. It doesn’t matter if
the exams are approaching nearer and the projects have not finished; grab your
phone and get in touch with some good essay writing company or send them an
email writing ‘Please Do My Essay’ as the subject. They will surely respond
back ASAP for rescuing you out of your writing troubles, allowing you to have
the freedom of a nice nap.
But what if other factors were hindering
you from having a good sleep? Here is some advice on nurturing the good habits
which will result in a refreshing sleep for you.
Learn the habit of sleeping and waking at the same time every day
Our bodies naturally become habitual of a routine if we succeed in
teaching ourselves to sleep and get up on the same time every day. There is a
hormonal system at work in our body that depends on our sleeping patterns. It
regulates the bio-chemical reactions
responsible for keeping us awake or making us fall asleep.
Going to bed every night on the same hour and rising on the same timings
consistently for a week, will help you gradually develop a sleeping pattern.
This way you will naturally want to sleep after a fixed time to awaken
automatically at the fixed hour.
Don’t miss out on the breakfast
Giving yourself a power-booster in the form of a nice and healthy
breakfast will not only keep you energetic for the rest of your day but also give you better sleep quality.
Eating breakfast triggers the natural mechanisms of our body for producing more
energy when we need it the most, i.e.
during the day, and saving the energy when we do not need it like during the
night. This physiological behavior turns off our mental functions during the
night, preparing us for falling asleep.
Take some time out for sunbathing every day
Exposing ourselves to sunlight for a brief period during the day, synchronizes our mind clock (yes there is one, according to the physicians!) with
the rising and setting patterns of the Sun.
Our sleep cycle becomes consistent with the natural order of physical
phenomenon taking place around us making us fitter for meeting the everyday
challenges of life.